Real‐time AI Systems 12
The BriefCam Insights product allowsfor VMS video ingestion, while BriefCam Protect allows VMS
video ingestion as well as le-based video ingestion.
Review hours of video in minutes and rapidly
pinpoint objects of interest. Quickly search
objects and events of interest by metadata
such as men, women, children, vehicles, and
lighting changes with speed and precision,
using 27 classes and attributes, as well as
face recognition, appearance similarity, color,
size, speed, path, direction, and dwell time,
providing an ever increasing and powerful set
of distinct search combinations.
Unlock the ability to trigger a call to action,
bringing relevant events to the forefront with
real- time alerting capabilities. Enable
organizations to proactively respond to
situational changes in their environment,
while e ectively balancing sensitivity,
accuracy, and e ciency.
Gain operational intelligence from the
extracted and aggregated video metadata
such as men, women, children, vehicles, size,
color, speed, path, direction, and dwell time,
enabling users to quantitatively analyze their
video, derive actionable insights for data-
driven safety.